European Insights

Opinions, analysis and news on migration policies in Europe
What role for cities in terms of reception and integration of asylum seekers and refugees?
At a time when European solidarity is lacking and public policies on asylum and immigration are becoming more restrictive in some EU Member States, many cities come forward as support forces, demonstrating the importance of the local level. Alone or in networks, how much room to maneuver do municipalities have to act alongside migrant and refugee population? To what extent can they oppose, or attempt to influence, national governments to welcome and integrate newcomers with dignity?
© 2018 France terre d'asile - Vues d'Europe
Les articles de Vues d’Europe sont réalisés dans le cadre des projets européens « Reloref » et « Réseau réinstallés » de France terre d’asile, financés par le Fonds Asile, Migration et Intégration (FAMI) de l’Union européenne.

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